The Educational Water Pact Forum was created by the mutual vision of Scholas and Y.A. Maof to provide a glass of clean drinking water to all the children of the world, thus taking up the cry of the most vulnerable and inspired by the ethical challenge of Pope Francis:
Our world has a grave social debt towards the poor who lack access to drinking water, because they are denied the right to a life consistent with their inalienable dignity
Laudato si', 30
A glass of water is a testimony for the local ecosystem:
The Forum’s mission is to carry out projects focused on integral solutions to situations of socio-environmental crisis, especially those related to water (treatment, and safe and sustainable access). We are integrating technological solutions with the view to strengthen the education and economy of local communities, as per the “integral ecology” advocated by Pope Francis. We are accomplishing these goals through the Scholas Foundation’s educational programs that are aimed at children and young people.
We believe knowledge is power and connection is action.
4 Oren Street HiPort Shoham POB 6518, Postal code 6081666, israel