
UNAPEC & Y.A. Maof Holdings & Management LTD share a mutual agenda and vision on a broad range of environmental matters , including the desired balance between industry, energy production and waste treatment. Together we work toward finding cutting edge holistic solutions that are set to serve as the pillars for circular economy activity and Eco-Parks in the Dominican Republic.

UNAPEC and Y.A. Maof

In 2019 the University signed a first of its kind agreement with Y.A. Maof Holdings & Management LTD, an Israeli company which specializes in developing projects in the field of environmental care and sustainable development. Maof focuses on waste & wastewater treatment, green energy production methods, and extensively engages in technology transfer.

With over 20 years of experience in developing new products and solutions from waste, Y.A. Maof seeks to create a long-term strategy to address the global and exponentially growing problem of waste & wastewater treatment.

Y.A. Maof’s projects integrate research and cooperation with universities, local communities, NGOs, state institutions, international organizations and the private sector.

A Gateway to the Israeli EcoSystem

Our agreement with Y.A. Maof grants our staff and students a direct access to the Israeli Ecosystem, which is globally known for its remarkable research abilities, rich innovative environmental industries, outstanding technological progress in water and waste management, and ‘out-of-the-box’ approach – the one that made the country a world leader in the fields of Agritech, Cybertech and more.

serving as a gateway to the Israeli EcoSystem, opening the door for our researchers and students, this collaboration constitutes a direct link for Dominican companies seeking collaboration with Israel’s vibrant and extensive market.

Technology Transfer

Taking part in a TTO (Technology Transfer Office) Project

Learning and leading active research are the sources of innovation. Yet the ability to turn research and ideas into reality is directly linked to the ability to commercialize and create financial logic. UNAPEC and Y.A. MAOF have created a direct path to turn innovative ideas and solutions into profitable and environmentally-sound ventures.


We invite Dominican Companies, researchers and students to take an active part in turning our world into a greener place while creating new business models, securing jobs, and establishing long-lasting careers. We invite you to join this journey with us and become part of the change.

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