Latin America and the Caribbean, home to some of the world’s most pristine and diverse ecosystems, depend heavily on natural resources to generate economic growth
IDB, Environment.
Collaboration between Y.A. Maof, Punta Cana Group, Asonahores (Hotel association) and APEC University to build a strategic plan to treat 700 tons of organic waste generated by the Punta Cana tourism sector. This strategic plan will focus on reducing environmental damage in the area. It will also provide an economic pre-feasibility study of a waste to energy approach.
Rehabilitation of an existing waste site in the Punta Cana area in order to turn it into a regional sanitary landfill.
Two main goals:
Y.A. Maof is promoting with the Dominican Republic and initiative to establish a solar farm near the city of San Pedro de Macorís. The project that we propose involves a power generation of up to 140MW for 25 years.
This joint effort would constitute the largest renewable energy project in the country. The proposed project would be located on 100 hectares (1,000,000 m2) of land.
We have lunched our scientific field test during last September for our first Biogas facility of the Eco Park – EnergyAlgea Project.
Continued lab tests over the past year have yielded outstanding results: Algae material has proven to be over 200% more efficient in creating energy than our initial assumptions.
This advancement is thanks to a special proprietary pre-treatment process incorporated by the use of special machinery and enzymes. It is an outstanding achievement, and also world-first.
Y.A. Maof, as a leader of consortium, wishes to examine the feasibility of promoting biogas facilities in various locations across the affected areas. As a first step, Y.A. Maof plans to place a biogas plant (1.5MW) in Punta Cana, which is based on the digestion of sargassum and MSW.
Besides treating the sargassum issue, the biogas facility would also integrate with the waste value chain and assist the promotion of renewable energies.
Innovative solutions for revitalizing tourism in the Caribbean through turning Sargassum into a resource and upgrading the environmental profile of coastal hotels.
4 Oren Street HiPort Shoham POB 6518, Postal code 6081666, israel