Latin America and the Caribbean, home to some of the world’s most pristine and diverse ecosystems, depend heavily on natural resources to generate economic growth
IDB, Environment.
In the summer of 2018, a large mass of sargassum created an 8,850 km long belt with an estimated weight of more than 20 million tons that stretched from West Africa, crossing the Central Atlantic Ocean through the Caribbean Sea, to the Gulf of Mexico.
The Government of Quintana Roe reported that in 2018, 522,226 tons of sargassum were collected from the coasts and coastal areas, at an investment of 332 million pesos, In addition, researchers from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) have warned of major dangers and damage to ecosystems if the problem is not addressed by a true common strategy (Rivera, 2018).
Y.A MAOF will use of algae waste to create biogas to provide green energy for a variety of uses.