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Projects in israel

The sustainable management of the environment and natural resources is vital for economic growth and human wellbeing

Bareket Recycling Park

An abandoned quarry rehabilitation project

Our vision was “to maximize recycling and minimize landfilling” and, indeed, over 80% of the waste received at the site was recycled and returned to the market for re-use in various authorized localities.

Bareket Recycling Park, supplied landfilling and recycling services for dry waste (construction and industrial waste) to the Centre of ISRAEL. Treating more then third of the entire dry waste absorbed in authorized landfilling sites in Israel.

The bottom of the ground’s quarry was sealed using layers of compressed clay covered with special sheets of HDPE to prevent leachates resulting from waste aimed to be landfilled from penetrating the barrier and contaminating the groundwater.

Construction and Demolition waste – is transferred for treatment in a process of: grinding, sieving and air sieving in order to remove the light components of the waste: plastic, wood, paper, nylon etc.

Sharonim recycling park

Municipal solid waste treatment​

As a leader in its field, Maof has been involved in rehabilitating and upgrading the “Sharonim” Recycling Site for municipal solid waste treatment. The centrally- located site is authorized by Israel’s Ministry of Environmental Protection for the treatment of domestic and wood trimming waste. The site takes in roughly 160,000 tons of MSW (municipal solid waste) and 60,000 tons of wood trimming waste annually.

Yeruham Recyceling Park

The construction of the park Designed to address waste generated during the construction process of the IDF city-campus in the Negev.

A designated drainage system was built to divert leachates to drainage pools, from which the leachates are removed from the site in an orderly manner after being analysed by a certified laboratory.

The solution consists of a gradual removal of the accumulated mountain of waste, while simultaneously treating the removed waste by sorting, separating and recycling recyclable dry waste.

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